Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Dynamic-Investing.com does not take into account the suitability of the investment or method to individual circumstances. Dynamic-Investing.com has no connection, whatsoever, with Rydex, ProShares or Direxion. This is not a solicitation to buy or sell securities. One should carefully read the prospectus before buying any security. Dynamic-Investing.com is not responsible for any loss resulting from following its recommendations. Dynamic-Investing.com is not responsible for timely delivery or receipt of information. Some of the performance data given on this site is the result of backtesting. Research is based on data believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be and is not guaranteed.
Copyright ©1999-2020 TM Lester Co. All rights reserved.
Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Dynamic-Investing.com does not take into account the suitability of the investment or method to individual circumstances. Dynamic-Investing.com has no connection, whatsoever, with Rydex, ProShares or Direxion. This is not a solicitation to buy or sell securities. One should carefully read the prospectus before buying any security. Dynamic-Investing.com is not responsible for any loss resulting from following its recommendations. Dynamic-Investing.com is not responsible for timely delivery or receipt of information. Some of the performance data given on this site is the result of backtesting. Research is based on data believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be and is not guaranteed.
Copyright ©1999-2020 TM Lester Co. All rights reserved.